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I am so proud of our girls...

I am so proud of our girls for representing the club and doing such a great job at the London Cup competition with Natalia Rotenberg foundation 2017.

We were awarded 8 gold medals, 14 silver medals, 4 bronze, and 8 trophies. we also had 9 special awards. Well done girls!!!

I would like to thank our coaches for all their hard work and dedication. You guys are the best team ever!!!

Also a special thanks to Brad Emerson for the photography we have some beautiful photos!!!

We can't forget our parents who have been patiently co-operating with the coaches and children. you guys are stars. Thank you for all your beautiful flowers and gifts.

We achieved these medals and trophies as a team effort children, coaches and parents!!!

We would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. We hope that you all enjoy your holidays and look forward to seeing you all after the holidays!!

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