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1st Devotion Cup International Competition.

What a successful day today.

Very happy with our beautiful girls. Nicely presented themself. Many gold medals and special prizes.

Well done girls.

We are proud of our girls to love you all.

Looking back at our Blossom Cup Event I am pleased to say we have done a great job. We would like to thank all of the parents who volunteered, we couldn't have done it without your support. We would also like to thank our coaches and judges for all of their hard work and efforts. I would like to thank my own children for all their efforts with the decorating. Last but not least thank you to Natalia, Brad and Edita for the photography. All in all, it was a good turn out, now that we have seen how well we can work together, we can look at going bigger next time. Maybe even hosting another competition where we can invite other clubs.

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